I went to my 34 week (almost) appointment today. I am still measuring big. The doctor is guessing that this baby will be in the mid 8 lb range. He certainly isn't going to be a tiny one.
And they scheduled and induction for August 30th. They originally scheduled it for Aug 26, which was 8 days early. However, the hospital wouldn't allow that. So they had to change it to the next time the doctor delivers, which is the 30th. Hooray! I won't be pregnant forever!
I've had a lot of false labor recently. Some days, I cam barely walk 10 feet before getting a painful contraction. They checked me at 32 weeks, and the contractions weren't doing anything. Thankfully, last week, on the day of Rachel's tonsillectomy, the contractions stopped. I feel like Heavenly Father blessed me to be able to take care of her. I am slowly starting to get a few more painful contractions again. I'm not talking about regular Braxton Hicks contractions. These actually hurt and make it so I can't move.
Rachel has had a hard time since her tonsillectomy. The first few days, she threw up a lot. We decided that it was probably the pain medicine, and took her off the pain medicine. She stopped throwing up. But she's been in a lot of pain. She is only on regular Tylenol. She cries a few times a day, and wishes that she hadn't had the surgery. Usually that's when her throat dries out and the Tylenol wears off. In another week, I'm sure she'll feel better. I've been getting practice getting up in the night by getting up in the night with her.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago