Sunday, October 12, 2014

Some Random stuff

I'm so behind on actually blogging about events, so here's just a glimpse of things from the past several months.
 This is Sam while we were camping.  It's amazing how fast kids get their faces dirty while you are camping.
 Our dog Buddy came along with us on most of our trips.  If you can't tell, Caleb and Buddy really love each other.
 Anna and Alex did the Murray Kids Triathlon on Labor Day.  It was especially a challenge for Anna because she ended up in an older age group with longer distances.  I didn't realize they would go by their age as of December 31, not day of race.  So she got to go on a long, hilly bike ride.  The swim and run were easy for her.  All three were pretty easy for Alex.
 My mom and I did the Triathamom triathlon again this year.  My poor mom couldn't front stroke on the swim because she had been in a car accident and had chest injuries from the seat belt.  It hurt her too much to do anything but backstroke.  She did awesome on the bike ride.  I improved my swimming this year, but did much worse at the bike.  The bike route was tougher than last year, and I had to walk my bike up two hills.  I didn't gear down my bike soon enough, so I got to a standstill and couldn't move.  Oh well.  :)
 This was Rachel at her last piano recital with her old teacher.
 First day of school.  Can you believe I have two middle schoolers?
 My two elementary kids were excited to start at their new school.
 Sam turned three!  Its hard to believe my baby is that old.
 Alex just finished up soccer.  He loved it, and did well!
I don't have much time to write these days.  With my kids being involved in many things, I often feel like I am riding the crazy train.  I frequently only have a few minutes between driving kids different places.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

And more times goes by......

We finally got family pictures done again.  Our kids loved Wheeler farm and it was hard to keep them from getting too dirty while getting pictures taken.

 Anna posing for Easter.  She just finished second grade.  She loves reading, especially Harry Potter.  She is almost done with the 4th book.  I have to make her stop reading and go to bed some nights.  She loves playing with friends.  She thinks she needs to swim every single day.  She is the most die-hard swimmer out of our kids.  First to get it, last to get out.  Complains when I make her come in. 

 Caleb on Easter.  He sure is growing up.  He has grown about 6 inches and gained about 16 lbs in one year.  I've been shocked at how much he can eat now.  When he makes corndogs for lunch, he makes himself a whole plate of corndogs, not just one.  When we had smores at Leslie's house the other night, he ate between 5-10 smores.  And that's after eating a good dinner.  He is such a nice boy, and helps me out so much without me asking.  When we go to the park, he follows Sam around and helps him instead of playing.  Its kind of sad when they outgrow the park.   
 Rachel turned 14 in May.  Its hard to believe she is that old now.  She wears the same size of shoes as me now.  She is just two inches shorter than me too.  She had a huge party for her birthday and had almost 20 friends come.  She has gotten really good at the piano. 

All of my kids together...Sam can hardly hold still.  Alex just finished Kindergarten.  He did really well in school and improved so much in every area.  He loved his teacher and is sad that he won't have her next year.  He is currently taking swimming lessons, and is getting good.  He got a retainer to help correct his severe underbite.  He has had it one month and hasn't lost it yet.  I can see that its helping already.