I started the 4th of July quite early. I went and helped with the Riverton 10K before it started, and then I ran the Riverton 10K. My goal was to run it in 48 minutes, and I ran it in 47:32. I was pleased with my time. Leslie and mom also ran it. Leslie didn't feel well, but Mom did well. Mom is always disappointed that she is getting slower each year. But I think it is great that she is still running. She will be 60 years old next year.
We ate lunch with my family. Then, in the evening we had Dan's family over for a bbq. It was fun to have them over. Dan wanted to show them what he had done with the yard.
Tonight we have been watching a movie called "Gettysburg". Actually, just me and Dan and Rachel. Caleb and Anna were up in my room watching "Land Before Time the 20th". I don't think there is a 20th.....but its a library movie and they made tons of "Land Before Time" movies. Anyhow, we were talking to Rachel a little bit about American History. She knows some since she is now a 3rd grader. She said, "If Abraham Lincoln was so important, why is his picture on such a worthless piece of money". Good question. A penny didn't used to be worthless.
When I went in to Smith's to get a few groceries, I noticed the price of gas was 4 cents higher when I came out. And I was only in the store a few minutes. Maybe we need to buy a horse and buggy. Of course, we couldn't afford to feed a horse with the way the price of everything is going up.
Anna told us that she wants to plant marshmallows in the garden. I thought that was funny. She loves marshmallows.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
1 comment:
I loved marshmallows as a kid. I remember grandma Marchant giving me a bag of them one year for my birthday.
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