My day today hasn't been bad. It is just the end of the day, and I still have so much to do.
I got up, showered, and got the kids breakfast. While the older kids eat, I feed Alex. The little neighbor girl comes over in the morning, because I watch her before school. I usually end up eating breakfast with her.
Then, its time to run around and get everyone ready for school. I managed to get everyone out the door, with lunches packed, on time. Alex and Anna ended up wearing their pajamas for the car ride since I didn't have time to get them dressed.
When we got home, I threw a batch of laundry in the dryer and another batch in the wash. Then I worked hard to get the house clean. I got Anna and Alex dresssed, and played with them while we were doing things.
Then, I dropped the kids off at a neighbor's house. She watched them while I volunteered in Caleb's classroom. My kids are always happy when I help out at their school. In trade, I watch the neighbor's child on Thursday while she takes her special needs child to physical therapy.
After that, it was home again. I got the kids lunch, and they ate it while I cleaned up the living room. The kids had pulled leaves off the plant, and spread piano books, papers, and reading books all over the floor. My visiting teacher from church was coming, so I didn't want it to be a disaster.
After the VT came, Alex was asleep and napping. So, I cooked a frozen meal for lunch. I turned on Caillou for Anna, and ate my lunch while I was working online. I work for a virtual call center doing Quality Assurance. I download the phone calls that have already taken place, and provide feedback. (No, they aren't hiring for this position currently.) I worked for just over and hour, (two episodes of Caillou on demand) and then Alex woke back up.
Then we folded laundry. I folded about 8 batches. Then I played ball with Anna and Alex and read books to them. Then it was time to get Rachel and Caleb from school.
After school, I got the kids cookies and milk. We talked about their day, and they showed me what they had brought home. I read Caleb's reading book, and reading words with him. I found him a book to read.
After that, I taught a piano lesson to a girl named Faith. Caleb did his entire days reading during the lesson, while Anna and Rachel either played or watched TV. Alex gets to sit in the baby saucer next to me while I teach.
After Faith, it was Caleb's turn for piano lessons. I send Rachel to Faith's mom for piano lessons. But I have found Caleb does better with me. It had been a while since Caleb had a lesson, so he was eager.
By this time, it was nearly time for dinner. I made Rachel come in from the corn field (her favorite place on earth) and practice piano while I made dinner.
Dan called to say he wasn't going to be home on time, so we ate dinner without him. I feed Alex while everyone else eats, then I eat.
Then, we were out the door to go to Grandma Challis's house to pick pears. Dan said he would meet me there since he hadn't left work yet.
When we got to Grandma's house, there wasn't much left to pick. So, I called Dan and told him he could just go straight home.
Alex hadn't gotten enough napping in today, and Anna hadn't taken a nap at all. So they were both screaming as we left. It was quite a chorus.
When we got home, I decided that I need to cut and peel some of the peaches that we had gotten since they were almost over-ripe. It was mostly a waste of time and energy. I got two jars of peaches, and it made even more mess in the kitchen. Dan helped some with the peaches. The pears aren't ripe enough, so I can procrastinate doing anything with them for a little while.
After that, it was Family Home Evening. We read scriptures and sang songs. Then it was teeth brushing and bed time. I thought Dan had tucked Rachel and Caleb in. So, then I cleaned the kitchen. I hadn't gotten that done after dinner.
Then, I came down to work. To my surprise, Rachel and Caleb hadn't gone to bed. I yelled at them because they were watching Cartoon Network. Caleb cried and I felt bad and cried too. I guess they were waiting for me to tuck them in, and I didn't know it. I tucked them in and spent extra time with Caleb.
So, here it is, almost ten o'clock. I have more laundry to put in the wash and the dryer. I still have about 6 batches to fold. I still need to study my Gospel Doctrine lesson for Sunday. And I only got one hour of QA work done today. I can't seem to get ahead. I'm tired.
I'm not writing this for pity. I'm mostly writing this to relieve stress. I probably should have done something productive instead. My life is good. I just don't seem to have enough time in my day to get everything done.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
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