So much has happened since I last wrote.
On Mother's Day weekend we moved to our new house in Riverton. I feel so incredibly blessed to have a newer, larger home to raise a family in. That being said, the new house has come with a mountain of projects. It was a short sale. The entire first day we spent loading up a truck and trailer to go to the dump with all of the stuff that got left behind by renters. We then spent two weeks painting the house. We used about 30 gallons of paint. I would like to say that I will never ever paint again. But there's still a few rooms downstairs left to paint, and a lot of touch ups left. Dan installed a new hardwood floor in the family room. He still has one room left to do. The yard has been a big project too.
There's also a money pit in the backyard. Oh wait, that's really called a swimming pool. We fenced it and have put a lot of time and money into getting it up and running. I am just starting to enjoy it. Today I did swimming lessons with my kids during Sam's nap time instead of driving them to lessons like I do every summer. Rachel swims well enough to take the lifeguard test when she gets a little older. Caleb swims well too. Swimming lessons for him is mostly telling him what strokes to do. Anna swims well underwater and the breaststroke. She needs a little work on the front and backstroke. I got Alex to put his face in the water today for the first time. The pool is covered and the gate is kept locked.
My kids are totally loving that we now live on a dead end. Alex has learned to ride his bike without training wheels. Before bed tonight Caleb realized that he hadn't been on his bike today. He promptly went out to ride because he has to get one ride a day in at least, he says.
One reason I really love summer is that there's no homework. I also love spending time with my kids. They are all so different but so special to me.
Moving to a new ward has been a big adjustment for me. I loved my old ward. I feel lonely. I doubt they will give us callings. This ward is small and they haven't done a single calling in the month that we've lived here. Some good has come of it. All of the kids are in nice primary classes. Rachel is adjusting to YW. The ward members seem friendly enough. Our old bishop was friendly and greeted everyone every week. I'm sure our new bishop is nice but I wonder how long it will take him to ever say hello.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
Pictures? :)
Still trying to get the pics to upload.
Your new house sounds awesome. It sounds like you have done a lot of great things to make it even better too. Things will get better with your new ward. I think it always takes around a year to really feel at home and comfortable. There are a lot of new people to get to know. What an adventure for you and your family!
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