The answer to that question is, "I don't know". Thankfully none of my kids have ever had to go to the ER.
Today was another day calling poison control. They keep a database. They have caller ID. They already know who I am when I call.
Anna got into the hair clipper oil this morning. I forgot and left it on the counter after I cut the boys' hair last night. She dumped it all over the kitchen. When I asked her if she drank any, she told me no. Then she told me yes. Then she told me no. I looked at the bottle, and it said "Harmful or Fatal if Swallowed". I called poison control, and they asked me all of the questions and told me what to look for. She didn't actually end up drinking any. When I mentioned it to Dan, he said "She wouldn't ever drink any of that. She won't even take a taste of dinner each night."
I got to thinking, what all I've called poison control over the years. Here's what I can remember, though I'm sure there's some that I don't.
Rachel brushed her teeth with Desitin. Not Poisonous.
I once found Rachel sucking on a washrag with Fantastik cleaner on it. Once again, she didn't ingest enough to poison her.
Anna also sucked on a washrag with some sort of cleaner on it. Not enough swallowed.
Caleb ate several children's tylenol. It wasn't enough to poison him. He also chewed up a couple vitamins (not children's chewables), but he spit them everywhere. He learned how to open childproof bottles at a young age.
Caleb ate kitty poop from a litter box when he was about one. Guess what? It's not poisonous. Gross, Gross, Gross. But Not Toxic.
Anna also sprayed Lysol Anywhere cleaner all over herself, from head to toe. She was fine after a good bath.
I know one of my sister's kids drank Visine. She had to go to the ER to get her stomach pumped.
Those of you who have never had a child get into anything, are lucky. But don't count your lucky stars. Chances are, you will be calling poison control someday. I try my best to watch my kids, but they can get into things in just a moment.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
1 comment:
That is so crazy Christine! I can tell you the whole problem here though- you clean too much! You should just be like me and only clean every once in a while...that equals less chances of poisoning happening!! :) Glad everyone has been okay.
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