Tuesday, March 3, 2009

AAAAAAHHHHHHH! I'm getting old!

I haven't seen any gray hairs yet. I am thankful for that. Yesterday morning I was looking in the mirror, and guess what I noticed? I have a few wrinkles!!!! So I have to say AAAAAAAAHHHHHH! I'm getting old. I still feel like I'm 21. I guess I never thought I'd get old and have wrinkles. If I ever see I gray hair, I will be getting my hair colored immediately. My mom was funny when I was a teenager. She would look in the mirror and pull out all of her gray hairs. She would try to get us to help her pull the gray ones. I never would. That's gross! Since she is in her late 50's now, she just colors her hair. I think it would be bad to pull out all of the gray ones when you get that old. Then you would be balding instead of going gray.


Mike and Shayla said...

That's so funny. I was just telling my sister-in-law today that I'm feeling my age (all 28 years, haha).

Jenni and fam said...

Unfortunately I'm only 31 and I have started to pull out a few gray ones!! It really really irritates me. And I alreayd have the wrinkles around the eyes..so I'm doomed already at such a young age. So don't worry everyone else is getting old too.

The Hoggan's said...

Well look at it this way...at least sales men aren't asking you for your mom when they come to the door anymore =)

Halliday's said...

Well, count yourself lucky! I have not gray hairs, but pure white!!!! So, it might pass as a blond highlight? haha And since there are very few, I do pull them. I'm too young to start dying my hair, but someday I'll be doing that, you can count on it! : )