Throughout my life there have been a variety of times when I have listened to the "still small voice". There have also been times when I haven't listened.
Yesterday evening, we had a ward function. As I was packing up the diaper bag to go, I had the thought that I should pack an extra set of clothes for Seth. Seth is my 2 year-old nephew that was staying with us for the weekend. I quickly dismissed the thought because we were only go to the church, which was a mile away. We were only going to be gone for an hour. Not long after we arrived at the church, Seth had a major diaper blowout. It is bad enough when it is your own kid...I won't ramble on this one. Needless to say, for the rest of the ward function, he only had a shirt and a clean diaper on. (Don't worry, I cleaned him up really well). In the grand scheme of things, did it really matter? No. But it was a lesson to me that I should listen.
When I was a teenager, my Dad built an apartment for my grandpa in the large garage behind their house. We enjoyed having him there. I would stop off and say hi after I parked my car in the driveway near the apartment. One Easter morning, I had the distinct feeling that I should go stop in and say "hello" to my grandpa before church. I mentioned to my mom that I was thinking I would go out and say hello. She said that he wasn't feeling well. So, I decided that I would just visit him later. While we were at church that day, my grandpa passed away. I never got that last chance to visit him. While that was so long ago, I regret that I did not listen to the still small voice.
Today I have been thinking about this. I hope I can do better and always listen to the still small voice.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
I hate the moments when I brush off those feeling only to realize later that it was the spirit telling something I should do. Thanks for sharing your experience. I hope that you don't care that I found your blog and read it.
Thanks for the reminder Christine, I have had those experiences also and wish I had listened better. Im still trying,hopeful Ill get better at it:)
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