Yes, I must be bored. Funny how I can be bored, but still have so many things to do. I've got a load of laundry waiting for me, and the dishwasher needs to be unloaded. Tomorrow is bathroom cleaning day, and I could always get a headstart on that. I still need to pull 5 more St. Jude calls for work, and I have a work report to do. No, its not like a school report. Rachel has a school report due on Monday, so I need to take her to the library when she gets home.
I went grocery shopping and bought my favorite cookies: Simply Shortbread. I hope the kids don't discover them. I gave Anna and Alex some pink and white animal cookies, hoping they wouldn't notice my cookies.
On the wall by my computer desk someone has written two things: Mom (with heart drawn around it) and the word poop. Time to get out the Mr. Clean magic eraser and make someone do some wall cleaning when they get home from school. I'm glad my kids love me, but I would rather not have them demonstrate on the wall. I think this is Caleb's artwork.
There are some tulips coming up in my flower bed! Woohoo for Spring!!
So here's some random questions for you reading this blog. I am actually looking for ideas, so take the time to answer them. :)
1. What is your favorite workout music?
2. What is your favorite church or classical CD?
I listen to only church or classical music on Sunday, and I need a few new suggestions.
3. What is your favorite crock-pot meal?
4. What is the best movie you have rented lately?
5. What was your favorite book when you were a child?
That's all of my randomness for today. :)
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
1. What is your favorite workout music? ATB
2. What is your favorite church or classical CD? I like all sorts of piano ones...I don't really have many though.
3. What is your favorite crock-pot meal? French Dip Sandwiches.
4. What is the best movie you have rented lately? I thought The Time Travelers Wife was pretty good.
5. What was your favorite book when you were a child? I really liked "Wait Till Helen Comes" when I was in about 5th grade.
Apparently I need to workout and rent more movies! I couldn't think of answers for 1 & 4.
2. We don't own many cd's, but we really like "A Child's Prayer: Primary Songs for Bedtime", and also the Christmas cd in the same series.
3. Creamy Shredded Chicken Tacos from 101 things to do with a Crockpot.
5. My favorite picture book was "Quick as a Cricket" and 2 chapter books I remember loving were "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" and "Naya Nuki: Girl Who Ran".
1. I like upbeat music, right now I like music by Cascada, the Dance floor song it my favorite. I also like some of the Zumba songs that you can find on Itunes.
2.I have no idea. I usually listen to FM100. My SIL Janaca made a CD of her playing the harp and singing. I could see if I can get a copy of that for you.
3. Roast with potatoes and carrots.
4.I haven't rented a good one in a while, but I just went and saw Leap Year and really liked it.
5.Little house on the priarie and the Box Car children.
1. What is your favorite workout music? It varies...right now Some Miley Cyrus and Classical cardio
2. What is your favorite church or classical CD? I love both, my favorite CD is Sunday Mornings with Mozart, but I listen to classical music a lot even on the week days.
3. What is your favorite crock-pot meal? I don't know I'm kind of sick of my Crock pot right now.
4. What is the best movie you have rented lately? I don't even know the last movie I rented...MIL rented Aliens in the attic and I watched it with the kids. I thought it was amusing for a kids movie.
5. What was your favorite book when you were a child? I don't remember from when I was really young, but in Junior High I loved the book called The silver kiss (about a vampire)
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