It is easy to speak negative of my brother Ben. He has now been off drugs for just over 3 months. He is living in the apartment behind my parent's house.
Tonight I stopped by my parent's house after I got the kids to bed. Who am I kidding? I was really just running away from the kids for a little while because they made me feel nuts today.
I happened to be there when they had family prayer. Ben actually offered a sincere prayer. And in his prayer he was thankful that I came to visit, and prayed for me to go home safely. I thought that was very sweet of him. I only live 5 miles away.
Also, whenever I talk to him on the phone, he always ends with "I love you". It is almost funny to me because probably the only other people I know that end calls like that with me are Dan and one of Dan's Grandmas.
Even though Ben isn't perfect, I wanted to mention that he can be quite sweet. I love him, and I'm glad he's my brother.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago