He is doing really well in school this year. He has a great teacher who is very patient with him. His teacher always tells me how much she loves having Caleb in her class. It is a big contrast from last year, when his teacher sent him to the principal for every little thing he did. I can't say enough about how thankful for his teacher I am. Switching to a charter school was a good thing for him. He had developed a bit of anxiety about being sent to the office all of the time at the last school. He is happy at school. He says he wants to teach there when he grows up.
Often times before school, he will get his room clean, piano practiced, and the dishwasher unloaded. All without me asking him to. I really appreciate that about him.
Alex is actually outgrowing some of his mischievious behaviors. He still thinks the kitchen is an all-you-can-eat-buffet when anyone happens to leave something out or leave the cupboard or fridge unlocked. At least he is not picky. He'll eat everything. On Saturday morning, he came to my room to tell me that the chocolate milk was too heavy. He had carried the full bottle most of the way down the hall to my room so I could pour him some. Luckily he didn't spill it all over.
Alex is such a joy to me. He has a really sweet personality. He has this special little way he likes me to hold him, with his arms tucked under.
I've been really busy the last few weeks. March is a really busy time for the company I do QA for. I've been putting in hours after the kids go to bed. I'm glad that March will end, and I will be back to only a couple of hours a week.
I recently interviewed for a 3 month management internship position. It was the hardest interview I have ever been through. I did not get it. But it was actually a relief not to get it. It is a virtual company, and all of the work would be from home. However, that still doesn't give me more time in the day. I love my kids and love being a mom. I do like having something to do beside just housework. Sometimes it seems funny to me, when I am downstairs working from home, and Dan is upstairs working from home. Technology has come a long way.
I've started playing the organ in sacrament meeting every other week. The main problem I have is nervousness. Even if I can play perfectly when I practice, I get nervous and shaky when I am playing in sacrament meeting. I hit a wrong note in every single song today. When I go to sit with my family after the sacrament hymn, my legs are always shaky when I walk to the bench. I know that it will go away in time. When I used to teach Gospel Doctrine, I would feel really shaky when I was up there. By the time I was released, I was actually comfortable up there. I keep telling myself that I will feel comfortable someday doing this too.
I wish we had a good charter school by us. I have heard really good things about them. Im glad that Caleb is doing well this year. All of your pictures are so sweet what lovely children you have.
Its good to see the kids. They are growing so fast. I love the picture of Caleb! What a cutie.
Christine, I think you do a great job with the organ! I'm also glad Caleb is doing well at school. Having a school that will work with you, and love your kids makes such a huge difference!
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