Well, I looked back at last year's new years resolutions. There's only one that I actually kept: attending the temple every month.
What I'm gonna do this year:
1. Run 3 miles a week. Yep, that's 3 not 30. Times have changed. :)
2. Take my kids to see every temple in Utah. Seriously. We're gonna make a day of it, and on some of them, make a weekend of it. We might leave Dan behind on some of them. But Rachel and I are both gonna take our cameras along. We're also gonna go on picnics or whatever there is to do near the temples. I think we might wait til its a bit warmer on most of them. Any ideas of what to do near some of them? I think we'll go to the Manti pageant to see the Manti temple.
3. I'm gonna finish painting the entire house this year. Any volunteers to help me? :) I've got 4 bedrooms and the TV room still left to paint. And the playroom under the stairs if Dan every finishes it. I still need to do the trim in the hall upstairs too.
4. Once again, temple every month.
5. I'm out of ideas. Got a good suggestion?
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
My old neighbor (and Curtis Moore!) made a temple passport that has all the Utah temples and info about them. There's even a spot to write who went with, on what day, your feelings, etc. I got one, so maybe I'll try to do that this year too... thanks for the idea. :)
I have an idea- take some YOU time every once in a while (once a month?) ... :)
You can come to the motorcycle class with me!
LES.. Remember what I said would happen if you bought a motorcycle?? They are bad for your health and I preffer that you didn't buy one so no one has to take any drastic measures to keep you from driving the thing. =)
Chris, I will help you paint!
For the Oqurrih Mt Temple you could go play at the daybreak lake afterwards (of course when it is much warmer).
Ogden temple is going to be closed for a while, so you might have to hit it next winter. If you do you could come up and go to Christmas Village with us after.
The Vernal temple is right by Dinosaur Land. There is a really fun, kid-friendly museum near the temple. That would be a fun weekend trip for your kids.
Even though the Ogden temple will be closed for awhile, you could still drive by and show it to your kids. There are a lot of fun things to do in Ogden. There's another dinosaur museum, the Treehouse museum (a kids' museum), a fun train museum, etc. If you have a Happenings coupon book, you should check it out because many of those museums offer coupons so you could save a few bucks!
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