When I came out of the gym this morning, it was actually getting light! Hooray! It will be Spring soon. I always have a harder time getting up in the morning when it still looks like it is the middle of the night.
I'm already planning out our vegetable garden. I'm thinking of getting a few new plants this year.
Yellow Carrots--They taste really good in Lean Cuisines. I want to plant some to see what they taste like.
Tomatillos--I want to make some good dressing, like Cafe Rio's with some of these. Can you grow these in Utah? I haven't researched these yet.
Once again, I am going to plant "Jack Be Little" pumpkins. They really aren't pumpkins. They are more like gourds. They make great Fall decorations. We got between 20-25 off one plant. I'm only gonna plant one and hope the squash bugs don't get it.
Rachel always loves cherry tomatoes. This last year we only planted one plant. Cherry tomato plants almost always grow like weeds---very well. Rachel eats them like candy. But she just doesn't eat them fast enough. We had tons of them go rotten.
Does anyone have any magic to turn our white grapes into Concord grapes? We have tons and tons of white grapes. They came with the house. They made okay juice. But I really like purple grape juice, not white.
Corn and tomatoes are my favorite things to plant. MMM............
Last year we planted about 12 rows of corn. That was waaaay too much corn. Since we moved, we have a bigger garden. Our lot is .35 acres, which is a good size. Last year was our first garden here. After we planted everything, we had a bunch of corn seeds left and a huge space left in the garden. So we planted more and more rows.
I can't wait for the tulips, daffodils and crocus flowers to come up.
That's all for my garden rambling today. :)
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
Your plans sound wonderful. Planting a vegetable garden is something I've always wanted to do, but I have no clue about how to start. Maybe I'll just wing it this year, and learn from my mistakes.
It sounds like you are better at gardening than I am. Now I know who to go to when I have questions. I can't wait for spring either. I'm just excited to plant grass :)
I am in the gardening mode too! I am always happier when my fingernails are dirty--I just love how in August I have so much dirt engrained into my skin that I can't get it clean- it means I was outside a lot! I loved the sun Thursday morning too- and I took special note also!
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