This week has been a week of misery. On Tuesday I went in for sinus surgery to fix all of my sinus issues.
I was really nervous for surgery. I hate the thought of anesthesia. What if I don't wake up?? I mentioned to my sister Leslie that I was nervous, and this was her reply. "Well, don't worry. If you die, I don't think you are going to hell." I'm not scared of going to hell. I just wanna be around to raise my kids.
When I went in to register for surgery, the first question the receptionist asked me was, "Do you want to be an organ donor?" I replied, "Yes, but not today." That's a great first question to ask a nervous patient.
Well, as I'm sure you know, I did wake up.
When I woke up, I felt awful. After a short time in the recovery room, they sent me home. I can't believe the state they sent me home in. I was puking, bleeding, and Dan had to carry me. Why do they make you stay so long after having a baby, but send you home so quickly after surgery? I didn't really want to pay for a hospital stay, but I sure wasn't ready to move when they told me it was time to go home.
The surgery took about 2 1/2 hours. They expected the surgery to be a little shorter than that, but things were much worse that they appeared on the CT scan. My deviated septum was partially fused to the other side of my nose. No wonder that side of my nose was always stuffy! It really was blocked off. They also removed a cyst that was filled with infection. In addition to that stuff, they fixed 4 other things that were wrong with my sinuses.
Each day I am feeling a little better and can be up a bit more. I am not allowed to bend down and pick things up for two weeks. I have a splint sewn in my nose. I am looking forward to getting it taken out so I might be able to breathe a little better.
Dan has been great through it all. The first night, he stayed up all night taking care of me. He stroked my head and tried to make me comfortable.
I've appreciated the help from my family, and dinner from ward members too.
I did not expect to be so miserable.......
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
I wish I could be there to help you too! I'm glad you survived your surgery, I would have missed one of my best friend if you'd died. I bet in another month you'll be grateful you had the surgery :)
How miserable! That will be nice to be able to breath like a normal person when you're all recovered!
I'm sorry you have been so misrable. I feel bad that I didn't help you out much. I'm glad you are starting to feel better.
Im so sorry to hear that you had surgery. It is such an awful experience! Im amazed they didnt have you stay a little longer since you were feeling so yukky. Im glad you are on the mends. : ) Take good care of yourself!
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