So, I thought I'd ramble a bit for anyone who cares to read.
On Wednesday, we went to the zoo with the kids since it was free zoo day. In case you didn't know, I'm a cheap-o. We picked up Dan from work on the way. All of the kids liked the zoo. Alex especially loved it. I could not get a good picture of him, because he would not look at me. He would not stop looking at the animals. He thought everything should say "Roar!" It was cute.
We had a nice Thanksgiving. We went to both family dinners like usual. My family ate at 11:45. My parents are early birds and very timely. It was yummy. Dan's family ate at 2:30. Alex fell asleep on the drive down to Utah county. When he woke up, he was very grumpy. During dinner, we took turns with him while he was screaming hysterically. We went upstairs and outside so we didn't disturb dinnertime. He calmed down after about an hour. Not exactly an ideal dinnertime, but we survived. The older three kids all slept at Grandma's house just for fun. It was very quiet around our house with just Alex home. I am so used to all the noise of 4 kids.
I have gained a greater appreciation for Dan these past few weeks. He has really stepped up and helped me out. He has been cooking, cleaning and changing a lot of diapers. As strange as it may sound, I almost feel like I am falling in love with him all over again. When he does kind things, it makes me happy and love him even more.
Sorry if this next part sounds like whine fest.
Before I had surgery, I seriously thought I would be able to run as soon as I hit the 2 week post-op mark. In a few more days, it will be three weeks. I still feel like I am barely surviving life. Until a day ago, I could breathe through my nose quite well. Yesterday, one side started getting swollen. I've also had the chills for several nights in a row. I think I have an infection on one side of my nose. Since I haven't felt very well today, I called the doctor on call with the ENT office, and they called me in an antibiotic. So, after church I picked it up. Yes, I went to church.....I'm attempting to do everything like I normally do.
I am still taking Tylenol every day and night. I have to take a nap every day. I know that the surgery was the right thing to do. The side of my nose that is not infected (the side that was fused) is so much better. I just really didn't expect to feel so crappy for so long. But hey, I'm not sick permanently. So I really can't complain. I am thankful that I am usually healthy, happy, and somewhat energetic.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
I'm sorry that your surgery has been so hard on you! I wouldn't have thought that kind of surgery would be so hard to recover from. I hope you get feeling all the way better soon.
Just wait another month and you'll be kicking my butt running again :D I've always known that Dan is a good guy ;)
Hang in there!
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