Sometimes it seems like Alex was just born yesterday. I can't believe it has been almost 6 months. He is starting to roll and grab things. I have found him with Easter grass in his mouth twice.
It has been a few weeks since Easter. Anna spread her Easter grass throughout the whole basement. I have vacumed several times. But there must still be a few pieces of Easter grass out there, because Alex seems to find it. Then again, he lays on the floor a good portion of the day, and can probably spot everything that I can't see from my view. I think next year, I'll skip putting grass in the Easter baskets. It easier to find the candy without the grass anyways.
Alex is such a cute baby. I love it when I am holding him and talking to him, and he smiles and makes noises back.
Two months ago, I was sitting in Relief Society holding Alex. When the opening song started, I started singing. Alex started laughing hysterically. He laughed the whole time I was singing. I must sound pretty funny. :)
Rachel and I have been watching American Idol this season. The other day when we were driving in the van, I was singing as I was driving. Rachel said, "Mom, I don't think you should ever try out for American Idol". I laughed.
Well, it seems Alex is demanding some attention, so I'll write more another time.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
1 comment:
Don't you love when your kids are so blunt! Elliott always tells me, "oh, you keep making mistakes, huh Mommy?" So who's going to win American Idol? My kids and I have been watching Dancing with the Stars- they love to dance the whole time! (I wish the girls would wear more clothes, but that's another blog entry!)
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