The other day (the coldest day yet this winter), our house was so cold. I kept turning up the thermostat and adding more layers of clothing. After a while, I went down to the furnace to investigate. I guess Alex has discovered how to turn the furnace off. The furnace closet has bifold closet doors and does not have handles on the doors. But he can get it open without the handles. Anyone know how to childproof that? Every time the house starts to get really cold, I have to go turn the furnace back on.
Last week, I posted "Whine Fest" about not feeling good. Guess what?? I feel really good now. After two days on antibiotics, I felt totally better. Now I am kicking myself for not figuring out sooner that I had an infection. It should have dawned on me. I've had other infections before with similar symptoms. I just thought I felt awful from surgery. I think I am gonna start running again tomorrow. Not hard and long. Probably just two miles slow.
We put up the Christmas decorations on Monday. The kids are loving it. They are fascinated with the lights. Every time I turn around, the Christmas tree and garland are turned on. Anna loves playing with the nativity. The nativity characters are glass, but she hasn't broken them yet. And I'm not too worried out it. I bought them at Walmart a few years ago.
I made the mistake of buying a huge box of candy canes to put on tree. I had to take them right back off, since Alex would not leave them alone. I gave him one to eat, but that was not enough. He wanted them all.
Alex is so busy, but he is so cute. He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He says cute things. He is a fun toddler, even though he gets into everything.
I asked Rachel what she wanted for Christmas. She said she wanted stickers and dry-erase markers. I asked her what else she wanted. She said "Nothing. I have everything I want." I thought that was interesting how content she is with what she has. I've asked her several more times what she wants. She has come up with a few more ideas. I guess she is just getting harder to buy for because she is getting older. She is getting to the "Tween" stage. She is a sweet girl. I don't ever want her to turn into a teenager.
Well, I guess that's all my rambling for today. I need to go change a diaper.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
1 comment:
I've always wondered whose great idea it was to put an on/off switch on the furnace, right at kid eye-level? Genius!
Glad you're feeling better!
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