And I'm not ready!!
I still need to finish shopping for Dan. He hasn't started shopping for me. I guess I haven't given him too many ideas about what to get me. That's the problem with having a birthday 12 days before Christmas. I already got what I wanted. I guess I'll just tell him I want some clothes. I actually want a steam mop. But I am NOT going to ask for that for Christmas. Somehow it seems a little insulting to get cleaning supplies for Christmas. Even if it is a snazzy new mop.
Here's what I would want if it were really possible:
1. A self-cleaning house. Says it all.
2. A perfectly patient "Me". Somehow, I find it hard to be patient all of the time.
3. A few more hours in the day. I find myself staying up too late to get things done on a regular basis.
4. A library of my very own, with a nice cushy chair. But I guess that would have to go along with the few more hours in a day.
5. A brother that was not addicted to drugs.
6. A day of summer in the middle of winter. Make that a couple of days of summer. I am not a fan of cold weather.
7. A new vehicle. We just bought our Chevy Venture last year. But I totally hate it. I hate the way it drives. The heater doesn't get too warm. The a/c doesn't get too cold. The remote door is tempermental in the cold weather. We've already spent $2000 in repairs on it this year. And the check engine light is on again. What a lemon! I want a new car.
Here's what I am thankful for:
1. My husband and kids. They mean the world to me.
2. The gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that he is my Savior. I have a testimony of the gospel. I know it is true with all of my heart.
3. A comfortable home.
4. I am happy that I am healthy again. I didn't realize how blessed I was until I went a few weeks not feeling well.
5. I thankful for my parents, siblings, and extended family. My sisters are my best friends.
6. A vehicle to drive. I can't complain about a lemon when I am driving past people pushing their kids to the store in a stroller.
7. A soft bed. Nothing beats relaxing in a nice, comfortable bed.
8. Chocolate. I love it. It is one of the best tasting things ever made.
9. Food. I love to eat. I am not an overeater, but I really like yummy food.
10. Contacts and glasses. I can't imagine how miserable my life would be if I had no vision correction. I wouldn't be able to run because I wouldn't be able to see. I actually tried running once in high school without contacts or glasses. My vision wasn't even as bad as it is now. It scared me to death. I couldn't tell the difference between a person and a mailbox until I was a foot away from it. I wouldn't be able to drive, shop, see my kids at performances, and the list goes on. I really am thankful for vision correction.
That's all for the lists for tonight. I need to go to bed. :)
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
What a great grateful list. I've never thought about vision correction, but what a mess we'd be in w/o it! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
I thought about asking for a steam mop for Christmas too! (I decided against it for the same reason as you.) Lol
I didnt realize they had those. But santa already got me tools.
And I hear you on the vision thing since my eyes are way worse than yours
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