The good news: I don't have to get back surgery.
The bad news: They don't know what's wrong with me.
The Neurosurgeon contradicted what the Neurologist said. He doesn't think the leg issue is coming from my back, even though I obviously have disc issues in my back. He thinks the lack of back pain confirms that. Good. I didn't want back surgery.
I have an apointment for another opinion since I got conflicting opinions. Also, I am going back to my regular doctor. I trust my regular doctor.
Since I am improving with rest and anti-inflammatories, that's what I'm gonna do until I go back to my regular doctor.
They've ruled out MS with the brain MRI.
Dan and I have been researching things, and it still may be a nerve issue. Inflamed nerves don't work right, which would cause my leg muscles not to work right.
What a rollercoaster ride! I think I want to get off this ride now.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
Christine!! I'm sorry you are having these issues!! Would it be worth it to you to see my bro- he's a special kind of chiropractor and has helped people who didn't think they could be helped. His office is in draper and his number is 599-2828- his name is Eric. He does a quick scan of your neck and back while you sit there- just takes a minute. Anyway- no pressure- I hope everything works out well for you!!!
Phew! Glad you don't need back surgery! Hate that you have anxiety. May the force be with you!
That is great you don't need back surgery. I hope that they can find out what is wrong and fix it soon.
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