Probably most of you are really sick of hearing about my stupid leg (I'm sick of my stupid leg, too). So, you can just skip this post if you're tired of the updates. I find it a lot easier to post things than tell the same thing 20 times to 20 different people.
Last week I went to PT for the first time. Really the first time was just an evaluation. The regular physical therapists weren't in. It was just someone filling in for them. She spent over an hour evaluating me, and then sent me home with a few exercises. When I went back this week, the regular PT looked at my chart. And then he did a lot more evaluating. Then he dragged in the other physical therapist to look at me too. I got a lot of "hmmms" and "this is unusual". They left me for a little while, and of course, I thumbed through my chart that they left sitting by me. (Who wouldn't look at their chart, if they're gonna set it next to you and step out of the room?)
After a lot of discussion, they physical therapists concluded that physical therapy was not going to help me. They think I need to pursue a diagnosis. Now, I have an appointment with another doctor at the U.
I am walking really well these days. I am quite thrilled with that. But I know there's still something wrong with me. My reflexes in my left leg are abnormal. I trip or stumble a few times a day. Luckily I haven't fallen down yet. My chart said "possible MS" on about every other page. It can't be MS though. The MRI of my brain came out fine. I don't know what in the world is wrong with me. I've spent a lot of hours online researching things, and haven't been able to find anything that matches exactly.
So, now I'm just in the wait until I see the next doctor. This makes doctor #5.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
I would have looked through my chart too. I am sorry that it wont help. I hope that they can find a diagnois for you soon. That is great that you can walk better now.
I totally would have peeked..who could resist? I am sorry that you are going through this you don't have enough things to keep you busy! Good luck and keep us posted!
I hope doc #5 gives you some answers. In the meantime, I'm glad it's doing a little better. Hang in there!
How frustrating to be tossed back and forth with no answers! With all that tossing, it's a good thing you can walk better :).
Thanks for the update, really.
I always want to peek at my charts, but I've never had a chance!
I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this. I pray you find a doctor who can figure it out. Too bad Dr. House from TV isn't real.
How very frustrating all this must be for you. I so hate going to Doctors and then to have to see four of them and have them be clueless sounds so torturous. You did seem to be walking well when we were out to see the family. I would have know anything was wrong. I hope the fifth Doctor will have some answers for you and hopeful ways that you can heal. It was so great getting to see you and your family. I do so hope things will get better for you!!!
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