Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Zoo in November

Since the kids are off-track for 4 weeks right now, we are trying hard to stay busy. Today we went to the zoo. I've never been to the zoo in November. I found out it was free zoo day, and thought it would be a fun thing to do. It was actually quite warm, and we were all hot from wearing our coats, by the time we got done.

We stopped and picked Dan up from work on the way, so he was able to come with us. I always appreciate having an extra adult along since I'm outnumbered 4 to 1.

Alex thought everything was a kitty. He called everything a kitty. Anna was running down the hill, and tripped and fell. It sounded awful. One of her shoes came off in the fall. Remarkably, she didn't even end up with a single scratch. I guess her think coat cushioned the fall (and probably was the horrible skidding sound). Thanks again for the coat Jen.

It was a fun trip to the zoo.


The Jensen Family said...

What a fun mom! Not only do you take your kids to do fun stuff, then you put it up on the blog ASAP. You're good. I can't believe how much Alex is talking. Drew still just uses "Mom? Mom!" for his single multi-purpose word. It's good to see you're all doing great!

Jennymommy6 said...

I'm glad the coat cushioned the fall :) I miss living close to the zoo.