I went for the MRI on my back this morning. It wasn't too bad. I only had to be in the machine for 70 minutes. I kept my eyes closed the whole time so I wouldn't feel clausterphobic. It had good air flow, so I really didn't feel like I was closed in a small space. (Like when we used to close ourselves in the toybox and then a sibling would come sit on it.) My weak leg felt like it was going to flop over, and I tried not to let it flop over during the MRI.
My doctor's office called me with some results this afternoon. There a problem with the discs in my middle back. They didn't give me any more details than that. I'm probably going to call them for more specifics when they open tomorrow. They asked when my neurologist appointment was. Originally, they couldn't fit me in until the middle of May. However, they called me back a few hours later, and now I have an appointment next week. I am anxious to get in to the doctor. My leg is weaker than it was a week ago. I sure hope this is reversible. If it isn't, then I guess that's life. I guess I just won't be running or jogging up or down the stairs. (Anyone ever notice that President Obama always jogs up the stairs on Air Force One?)
I am really grateful that I am not in much pain. My back bothers me off and on, but not consistently. I know people with back issues that are in constant pain.
So, I know where the problem is, but not what the exact problem is. I am hoping and praying it is not degenerative and is reversible.
I also got the pleasure of going back to the ENT doctor. I'm on sinus infection number 8 or 9 since my surgery in Nov. The one side of my sinuses (AKA the one in my left cheek) does not drain even though they cleared all the obstructions during the other surgery. We are trying a different treatment for a month. If the treatment doesn't fix this issue, I'm in for another sinus surgery. They'll put a "drain" in. Hmmm.....that might be interesting. As long as they don't add a third nostril, I'm fine with it. :)
Other interesting stuff: Rachel is learning the Recorder in 4th grade. She is very excited about it. I think the recorder is not my favorite instrument. I remember loving it when I was in 4th grade. I bet my mom loved it too.
Caleb was excited and came home with a new calculator today. He got it for being able to count by 2's, 3's, 4's, and 5's. That's how his teacher is introducing multiplication. That's a good idea. I bet that would have made it easier when I was a kid.
Dan got some very good news at work today. It is not public knowledge, but will be announced at a company dinner this week. We feel very blessed.
That's the last 24 hours in a nutshell.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
Hey kiddo,
Sorry that life is so crazy..again!Back problems are so common in my family and with Kevin. Swimming and stretches save the day. Good thing you took those swimming lessons. I hope the next 24 hours are very boring for you..that is my wish anyway!
I'll have my fingers crossed for you and your discs, and your sinuses, and your ears (what with the recorder and all!) And congrats on whatever Dan's news is!
Sorry the MRI didn't bring good news. I'm impressed You are being so positive about everything..I'm glad you are getting into the doctor to find what is going on.
You are so optimistic! I need to learn from your example. Good luck with everything, I'm keeping you in my prayers.
I love this post, not that you are having health problems but your attitude about it. Good luck at your next appointment, I hope they have good new for you.
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