I went to the Neurologist today.
This is what he said:
1. I wish I had seen you in January when your leg first started having problems.
2. I will come in on my day off so we can do a test to see how much nerve damage you have.
3. Get an MRI of brain and neck, just so we have a complete picture of you spine from top to bottom. (I've already had one of middle and lower back).
4. See a Neurosurgeon ASAP. There is one in the same office, and he put me on the schedule without the usual month wait that it takes to get in.
5. I have 4 herniated discs in the thoracic region and 2 in the lumbar. The ones in the thoracic region are squishing my spinal cord. They need to get fixed ASAP.
You would think I would have been in a major accident to have all the damage in my back that I have. Right after Alex was born, I bent down to pick him up and threw my back out. That's the only thing that I can ever recall that could have possibly done any harm. Any how many moms bend down to pick up their baby? All of them. How many end up with a messed up back from it? Probably just me.
The hardest thing for me is probably going to be the lack of independence. I don't want to need help. I want to be the one helping others.
I am thankful I live at a time where medical techonology is awesome. I'm thankful for blue sky and sunshine. And all the blossoms and flowers.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
Sorry for the bad news! I am sure, after some time you will be all better. My brother had the same thing when he was 25- too much basketball. He had surgery and after a few months he was back to normal. Part of being service oriented, is learning how to let others serve you...sometimes the harder of the two lessons. It will be ok..you are young and strong and in shape so you will bounce back! Enjoy the weather and try to keep smiling!
I'm sorry! Hang in there. I wish there was something I could do. Your still in my thoughts and prayers.
=( Sorry Chrissy! We are praying for you, and we are all here to help you out!
Christine, my sister is going through the exact same thing and she has no idea what is causing it since she has never damaged her back before either. I am so sorry you have to go through this...it is so hard. But listen to Stacy and let others serve you.:) Lots of people care about you and want to help.
I'll be praying for you.
I'm so sorry! You're right about technology though--back surgery isn't nearly as bad as it used to be. And I think Heavenly Father purposely puts us on the recieving end sometimes, there's a lot of lessons to be learned from that end. I'll be thinking of you! Also, I threw my back out bending over my baby once too. In the post office. I was flat on the floor in the post office:) I'm so sorry you have to go through all this. Hang in there!
Christine, Please let me know if you need any help. I would be happy to carpool your kids for a while if you need me to.
Aww, that doesn't sound fun. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this, but I'm sure everything will work out for your good.
Let me know when we can have Anna (and Alex too if he would like that) over to play!
What bad news!!I am so sorry. That is really weird that you could have so much damage and not have been in an accident.
I know what you mean about not wanting to lose your independence! Let me know if you need anything. Your kids are welcome to come over and play or I can bring you dinner.
Chrissy you are such a sweet spiritual girl and I'm sorry you have to go through this trial. I know Heavenly Father will help you and so will all of us. We all Love you.
Im so sorry to hear about your back and leg are giving you trouble. I know that back pain can be ever so aweful. But as you shared in your other post you will have the tender mercies of the Lord with you and it may be a wonderful blessing in your life. They have a way of doing that these challenges we go through.
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