A few weeks ago, I rode with my parents and Leslie to Idaho to visit Jenny and attend Austin's baptism. I took Alex with me and left the rest of the kids home. I had fun visiting Jenny and seeing her newly remodeled house. My dad treated us all to a Mexican Buffet restaurant. The food was good. Alex ate a lot. Jenny's daughter Hailey got whipped cream in her hair since she put so much on her dessert. It was funny. Alex was not a happy camper at Austin's baptism, so I saw the baptism part and that was about it. We spent most of the time in the hall. I wished that I could have stayed a little longer. But I don't think Dan and the kids at home would have liked that.
I don't remember exactly when Jenny and I got to be such great friends. I think it was about the time I became a stay-at-home mom. Both of our husbands were still in school. We started calling each other every day. We've been pregnant at the same time for the last two times, even though we didn't plan it that way. We've passed Maternity clothes to each other. When I bought my new favorite pair of jeans on sale, I sent her the link to buy some too. She loved the jeans too. (Comfy, not low-riders or too high).
Jenny and I frequently talk while we are cleaning and cooking. We usually know what the other one is cooking for dinner. I think she's probably a better cook---I wanna go eat at her house again.
Several years ago, when I was finishing up my degree at UVSC, Jenny watched my kids one day a week. I was really busy, and it was hard to get the kids ready and out the door. I would drop the kids off a little before lunch. Often times, Jenny would heat up a burrito or something and hand it to me as I ran out the door, trying to make it to class on time. I really appreciated it. We were poor at the time, so she watched my kids for free. I am really thankful that she helped me so I could finish up my schooling. (And thanks to Mom, Lynne, and everyone else who watched the kids.) Sometimes I look back at those times, and I think it was the "good old days" when we could hang out together.
I'm pretty sure that Jenny is probably going to always live in Idaho, and that Dan and I are always going to live in Utah. So, we are probably going to always be mostly phone buddies. But we love it when we do get to see each other. With her 5 kids, and my 4, it can be quite a madhouse.
I know that I can always call Jenny when I am happy, sad, or just plain bored. So Jenny, thanks for being my friend. I love you!
I love all of the rest of my sisters just as much---I just can't call you all the time because you work or go to school or both during the day.
The bump in the road has grown.
5 years ago
1 comment:
What a nice blog about me! Just reading it made me emotional. Thank you for being such a great friend and sister to me too.
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